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Indo-Pak Saga
Fifty years of Political
A Photo Feature
L-R: Foreign Ministers Yaqub Khan and Narasimha
Rao, Gen Zia and PM Gandhi, Delhi 1983;President Zail Singh and President
Zia; PM Rajiv Gandhi welcoming Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan at Delhi airport
1985;PM Rajiv Gandhi with Pakistan's FM Sahabzada Yaqub Khan, Delhi 1989

PM Benazir Bhutto welcoming PM Rajiv Gandhi at
Islamabad airport,1989
L-R: At the SAARC Summit in Islamabad -Rajiv and
Benazir; at a State dinner - Sonia Gandhi, Asif Zardari, Rajiv Gandhi and
Benazir Bhutto, 1989

L-R:PPP Leader Benazir Bhutto with BJP Leaders
Advani and Vajpayee in Delhi 1991; Foreign Ministers Sahabzada Yaqub and IK
Gujral in Delhi 1996;Foreign Secretaries Dubey and Shahrayar Khan share a
joke; Shahrayar Khan and Dixit - signing 'No to Chemical Warfare'-Delhi 1992

The Bus Diplomacy 1999-L to R: PM Vajpayee
alighting at Wagah ; PM Nawaz Sharif receiving PM Vajpayee; The Indian 'bus
passengers' at Wagah; Vajpayee and Sharif with guests at a Reception in
The Millennium Effort

L-R: President and Begum Musharraf greeted
by President and First lady Usha Narayanan; President Musharraf inspecting
the Guard of Honour at Rashtrapati Bhavan;Vajpayee and Musharraf
face-to-face before the Talks; the all-important handshake between the two