Miss India World

Q: Like Nikita, are you also elated after winning the Miss India World
A: I am absolutely excited and on the top of the world. I’d never
imagined that I would be a Miss India one day. It’s such a pleasant
surprise and I am enjoying every minute of my newfound fame.
Q: You’ve had a long stint in America, tell us something about it?
A: I am basically from Surat but my father who is in real estate business
shifted to Los Angeles in America. I did most of my studying there and got a
degree in finance from Southern California University and then worked as a
financial analyst in San Francisco. I also did some modelling there. Two
years ago I moved back to Mumbai and have been working for an NGO called Stree.
Q: So, what made you enter the contest?
A: This may surprise you but it was really my Nani’s idea
to send my pictures to the Miss India contest because she thinks I am the
prettiest woman in the world. My brother who is a dentist and sister who is
a dietician came especially from U.S. to cheer me up in the finals.
Q: What are you future plans?
A: Like other winners I too am focusing on the Miss World title. I feel
honoured to represent India and am looking forward to bring the Miss World
title to India. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Q: How would you like to use this pageant?
A: I am already in the social sector and I would like to use my title to
the optimum in the field. I would like to generate funds and channelise them
for the betterment of the downtrodden.
Q: What is the reason so many Indian girls are winning international
beauty titles?
A: The rich Indian cultural background, our strong family ties, our good
education and the Professional grooming that we get before an international
pageant too helps a great deal. Finally it’s the confidence and the way
Indian girls carry themselves that is hugely responsible for such a high
success rate.