May / June  2006

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May / June 2006


             South Asian issues - Getting to know the past better

Romila Thapar

Over fifty years ago, at the time of independence and just after, we inherited a long tradition of historical writing. There were two perspectives on history that constituted our heritage: one was the colonial view of Indian history, and the other was the nationalist view.  Read on


             News from elsewhere

A wildlife expedition (funded in part by the National Geographic Society) uncovered a treasure trove of animal species never documented before, in the Foja Mountains on the island of New Guinea in Indonesia.  More..
Tree kangaroo


             Heritage - Bhera - the town that time forgot - Part II

Bhera town

The town of Bhera is spread over a 3 square miles oval area. A circular road goes around the town around its six crumbling gates. The very imposing [still used as a muslim Imambarah] Sikh Gurdwara stands almost in the centre of the town.  More...


            Lifestyle - South Asian billionaires

Twenty six South Asians - all from India or of Indian origin - have figured in the Forbes list of billionaires. Top among them - Lakshmi Mittal - is also the fifth richest man in the world. Indu Jain is the only woman among the South Asian billionaire club.   More...



Special Sections 

South Asian currency
exchange rates

the-south-asian data bank

South Asian Woman


Between Heaven and Hell

Silk Road on Wheels

The Road to Freedom

Enduring Spirit

Parsis-Zoroastrians of

The Moonlight Garden

Contemporary Art in Bangladesh



May/June Contents 

 Real Issues
 Malnourishment in
 South Asia


 South Asian issues
 Getting to know the
 past better



 News from elsewhere
 New animal species
 found in Indonesia

 Veggie chemical
 repairs DNA damage


 Bhera - the town that
 time forgot
- Part II

 World Bank in
 South Asia
 Grant to Afghanistan

Land management in

Urban services in


 Tollinton Market



 South Asian


 the craft shop

 the print gallery

 the art gallery


 Between Heaven and Hell

  Silk Road on Wheels

 The Road to Freedom

Enduring Spirit

 Parsis-Zoroastrians of

The Moonlight Garden

Contemporary Art in


From the past issues

The First People of south Asia

The Jews of India

The Parsi Community of India

Modern Art in Pakistan

Elephant polo in Nepal

... and many more



Tibetan medicine

Ayurvedic spas of Kerala


Optical networks

B2B - Efficiency & Profits

Reinventing India

Internet in South Asian Development